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HomeEventsLWV Chaffee County Monthly Meeting: County Recycling, Renewing, and Repurposing Initiatives

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LWV Chaffee County Monthly Meeting: County Recycling, Renewing, and Repurposing Initiatives

Date and Time

Monday, January 13, 2025, 11:15 AM until 1:00 PM


United Methodist Church
228 E 4th Street
Salida, CO  81201

Event Contact(s)

Marjie E Gray


Monthly League Meetings

Registration Info

Registration is not Required

About this event

LWV Chaffee County will host a social followed by a monthly meeting beginning at 11:15. At 12 noon the program begins with a Panel and Discussion with John Armstrong, B1 Energy, Julie Mach, Elements Mountain Compost, Grant Hamel, VeroTouch, and Beth Helmke, Deputy County Administrator. The program will explore the initiatives for Recycling, Renewing, and Repurposing in Chaffee County. Susanna Spaulding has assembled this panel of four local experts who will share ways we can create a more sustainable future for our community through innovative methods of creating a new life for waste materials. The session begins at 11:15 with a brief social and business meeting followed at 11:30 with Carol Merovka: Access to Healthcare Survey, LWVCC & CCPH. Noon-1:00: The program will explore the initiatives for Recycling, Renewing, and Repurposing in Chaffee County. The public is invited to join us.